There are many girls, and recently many guys who like to sculpt the perfect butt to make them look much better in those tight skinny jeans. If you are among those persons who want to target the glutes, you are definitely going to need some of the following great butt exercises that we will show below in 2 amazing workouts to use during your weekly routine.
step-ups are a great dynamic exercise which can really activate the
glutes and also provide a good cardio workout. You will just need is a
platform that is a bit higher than your knees. Also, at first you can
start out with a lower platform until you become comfortable with the
move.You need to step on the platform with your foot, raising your body up, and then before stepping back down, bring your knee of the other leg up as high as you can. You could make it a bit more difficult by holding some small weights in the hands.
Rear Leg Lifts
Stand on the knees and forearms, then lift your leg off the floor and then push the foot towards the ceiling. Bring your leg back down slowly and then lift the other leg. You need to alternate the legs. You can add some ankle weights in order to add some difficulty, as you become stronger.
This exercise hits the glutes very hard. You just need to lie on your back with your feet planted comfortably on the ground and the knees pointed upwards. Raise the butt off the floor until only the feet, shoulders and the head is touching the floor. Make sure that you push your hips as high up as you can and then squeeze the glutes hard at the top of the move. This exercise will very quickly become easy, so once it does you can straighten one leg and then push off one leg at a time. You could also put some weight on your ab area while you are performing the move.
Deep Squats
When doing the squats and you are only using your bodyweight, it‘s always best to go as low as you can while you are keeping your back straight. The squat technique ensures maximum glute activation. The stance needs to be slightly wider than shoulder width or even a bit wider, and once you lower yourself down keep the spine straight as much as you can.
You could also increase the difficulty gradually by holding some weight in front of the chest or when the exercise becomes easy, you could do one legged squat. You are going to become strong very quickly by doing these, and they are also going to help improve the flexibility as well as your overall core strength.
Cossack Lunges
Cossack lunges are a great way to improve the flexibility and balance, while the legs and the butt do some serious work. You should start with your legs a few feet wider than shoulder-width apart, then simply shift your weight to only one side as you squat down on that leg. You should be sure to keep the other leg straight. Once you hit the bottom position, you need to point the toes of the straight leg upwards. You will need to repeat the same on the other side and then keep alternating the legs.
Fire Hydrants
This is a great exercise for opening up the hips, improving mobility and also for strengthening the glutes and some of the smaller muscles in the legs which are tough to target. You should start in a kneeling position, just as for the rear leg lifts, and then raise one leg to the side, while you keep a 900 knee bend. In order to make these tougher, rotate from the hip, making some small circles at first and then wide swooping circles.
Hip Thrusters
Start seated on the ground with some bench directly behind you. You will need to use a weighted barbell over your pelvis. Using a pad between the body and the bar could greatly reduce the discomfort that is caused by this exercise. You can roll the bar so that it’s directly above your hips, and then lean back against the bench so that the shoulder blades are near to the top of it.
Start the movement by extending the hips vertically. Your weight needs to be supported by your shoulder blades and the feet. Extend as far as you can, then reverse the motion in order to return to the starting position.
Horse Stance
The horse-riding stance or horse stance is a staple of several different martial arts, and it’s a great way to build some strength and also to size in the thighs and glutes. You need to start by standing straight, open up your normal stance about one or two foot beyond shoulder-width on both sides, then you should squat down like as you were going to sit back in a chair.
Your thighs need to be parallel to the ground. You will definitely feel the burn and you will need to really focus on not giving up. Try to hold in this position for as long as you possibly can. The beginners have to aim for around 15-30 seconds and over time gradually increase this period.
PliƩ Squats
You will need to point your toes outwards and then take a wide stance. Now, slowly bend the knees in the direction of your toes. When you can no longer see your toes, slowly stand up.
Side Leg Lifts
Lying on your side, you need to lift one leg up, and then bring slowly it all the way down. Once you are finished on one side, you should switch to the other side. This is an amazing one for hitting some of the smaller muscles of the legs and also the glutes.
Gluteal Squeezes
For the gluteal squeezes move, you just need to lay on your back on the floor, then raise your hips to the ceiling as you tense up the glute muscles. You need to hold in this position for a count of 3. Repeat again.
Flutter Kicks
This is one more great way to target the glutes and the abs, which are the 2 body parts that every woman wants to shape up and to keep toned. Lying flat on the back, you need to raise your legs off the ground to around 45 degrees, then push one up as you lower the other down, alternating them like this for as long as you are able.
The exercises we presented you are some of the best exercises to help you develop a full, firm and round butt that will turn heads, however, you shouldn’t neglect the rest of your body or the cardio work. There is no good need to overdo it! With 3 training sessions per week and being focused on constantly improving, you will develop all the right curves in no time.